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Clarabella Olssen (Andres Marcos Revellado) - Rosalong EP - Wondermachine 001

We are very happy to present you Wondermachine 001. The title of the opening EP is “Rosalong” by Clarabella Olssen, it includes a remix by Storlon.

Clarabella Olssen is the alias of Andres Marcos Revellado used for spontaneous musical structures based on improvisation, live and field recordings. The music produced under this moniker is focused on trial concepts and impulsive arrangements. Andres Marcos never liked rules, Clarabella Olssen is the perfect alibi to share his vision.

Andres Marcos and Storlon have been collaborating on several projects already so they know each other very well and have a very compatible taste in music. Storlon has developed an unique and recognizable style, his interpretation of Rosalong is an illustration of his approach.

Let’s wash the dirty laundry in public!

Release link:
