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Revy - Waking - Wondermachine 010 - Ingemar Stalholm - John Foley - Kevin Lind

[WOND010] Revy – Waking EP

Revy awakens with an array of cryptic feelings and atmospheres in this eclectic package of uniquely textured sound spaces, emotional synthesis, and off kilter rhythms. Without much regard for genre trends, these multi-faceted works run the gamut of Revy’s experimental palette, ranging from deep and spacey broken beat grooves to bleep laden chaos. John Foley and Ingemar Stalholm join the fray with their best efforts to further probe and massage your synapses with their own blends of thought provoking minimalism.
Read the interview

Music by Kevin Lind
Remixes by Ingemar Stalholm and John Foley
Artwork by Jonathan Mangelinckx
Mastering by Tobias Lorsbach

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