/* DEFENDER GENERATED SALTS */ define('NONCE_KEY', 'F;e_YyR+0(q3d^IN s0hZ?m@,*Ap%;KfI<=/++M?}# 0h)LiI3GTRJ:Yb/7!%L9d'); define('AUTH_SALT', 'rE1rBhE+M_=w5R1+y,*:R-r#o]2JOj@.!cer-7J~w/j7%z2|H37K63A{SPw8;`LA'); define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', '+ztno|4MxV]%7Mgv,12u%6Iy)PY & 8{d|Oiw[A9y7^JXI5]vf4@kRs?+pNFVJdM'); define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', '{y@!}Oa{t^>-`w/+6a.l!9E;_d_c(%e~-1 [WOND013] Adriano Mirabile – Atyp – Wondermachine Music

There are sometimes exceptions, Adriano Mirabile makes here one, and explores new territories, headfirst, proving that he can feel at home also breaking the schemes. This was the homework. The limitations make the music, and in this case, avoiding the standards was the exercise. Preparing the material for Wondermachine has been a long process; the scope of the project has also evolved during its realisation. The result is a blend of acoustic, electronics, jazz, ambient and dancefloor funk.

Guests, remixers, mastering engineer, graphic designer know each other since years, so it is also a kind of family affair.
released June 21, 2016

Music by Adriano Mirabile
Guitar and bass on Atyp by Mickey Ritschards
Remixes by Marco Repetto, Storlon & Gera Taraman, Andrés Marcos
Artwork by Jonathan Mangelinckx
